Source code for pylandstats.zonal

"""Zonal analysis."""

import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import rasterio as rio
from rasterio import features, mask
from shapely import geometry
from shapely.geometry import base as geometry_base

    from fiona import errors as fiona_errors
except ImportError:
    fiona_errors = None

from . import multilandscape
from .landscape import Landscape

__all__ = ["ZonalAnalysis", "BufferAnalysis", "ZonalGridAnalysis"]

ZONES_READ_ERRORS = [AttributeError, TypeError]
if fiona_errors is not None:

_compute_zonal_statistics_gdf_doc = """
Compute the zonal statistics geo-data frame over the landscape raster.

metrics : list-like, optional
    A list-like of strings with the names of the metrics that should be computed. If
    `None`, all the implemented metrics at the specified level will be computed.
level : {{'class', 'landscape'}}, optional
    Whether the metrics should be computed at the class or landscape level. If `None`,
    the metrics will be computed (a) at the class level when a non-None `classes` is
    provided, otherwise (b) at the landscape level.
class_val : int, optional
    If provided, the metric will be computed at the level of the corresponding class,
    otherwise it will be computed at the landscape level.
metrics_kwargs : dict, optional
    Dictionary mapping the keyword arguments (values) that should be passed to
    each metric method (key), e.g., to exclude the boundary from the computation
    of `total_edge`, metric_kwargs should map the string 'total_edge' (method name)
    to {{'count_boundary': False}}. If `None`, each metric will be computed
    according to FRAGSTATS defaults.

zonal_statistics_gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
    Geo-data frame with the computed zonal statistics, with the zones as rows and
    {col_return} as columns.

[docs]class ZonalAnalysis(multilandscape.MultiLandscape): """Zonal analysis."""
[docs] def __init__( self, landscape_filepath, zones, *, zone_index=None, zone_nodata=0, neighborhood_rule=None, ): """Initialize the zonal analysis. Parameters ---------- landscape_filepath : str, file-like object or pathlib.Path object A string/file-like object/pathlib.Path object with the landscape data. zones : geopandas.GeoSeries, geopandas.GeoDataFrame, list-like, str, \ file-like object, pathlib.Path object, numpy.ndarray, optional This can either be: * A geopandas geo-series or geo-data frame. * A list-like of shapely geometries, in the CRS of the landscape. * A filename or URL, a file-like object opened in binary ('rb') mode, or a Path object that will be passed to `geopandas.read_file`. * A numpy array of the same shape as the landscape raster image, where each zone is labelled by a unique integer value. The values will be used to identify the zones (i.e., as index) - unless a different `zone_index` is provided. zone_index : list-like or str, optional Index used to identify zones (i.e., index of the metrics data frames). This can either be: * A list-like of index labels that will be positionally mapped to each zone. * A str with the name of a column only when `zones` is a geo-data frame or a geo-data frame file, e.g., a shapefile. zone_nodata : numeric, optional, default 0 Value of the `zones` array that corresponds to no data. Only considered if `zones` is a numpy array of integer types. neighborhood_rule : {'8', '4'}, optional Neighborhood rule to determine patch adjacencies, i.e: '8' (queen's case/Moore neighborhood) or '4' (rook's case/Von Neumann neighborhood). Ignored if `landscape` is a `Landscape` instance. If no value is provided, the default value set in `settings.DEFAULT_NEIGHBORHOOD_RULE` will be taken. """ # the overall approach to process the `zones` argument is: unless `zones` is # provided as a geo-series or a list-like of shapely geometries, we first # convert it to a geo-data frame, process it (mainly try to get the proper # index) and then convert it to a geo-series to store it as instance attribute # first, try to read the `zones` argument as a geo-data frame-like file try: zones = gpd.read_file(zones) except ZONES_READ_ERRORS: # Depending on the system and installed libraries, geopandas may raise an # `AttributeError`, `TypeError` or `fiona.errors.DriverError`. we let this # continue and try to read the `zones` argument differently below pass with as src: if isinstance(zones, np.ndarray): # zones is an ndarray labelling each zone by a unique integer value # we first instantiate a geo-data frame because we will use the labels # as zone ids zones = gpd.GeoDataFrame( [ (val, geometry.shape(geom)) for geom, val in features.shapes(zones, transform=src.transform) if val != zone_nodata ], columns=["zone", "geometry"],, ) if zone_index is None: # if no zone indexing is provided, we will use the zone labels as # index # zones = zones.set_index("zone") # instead of using `set_index`, we will just set `zone_index` to the # column name "zone", so that the `set_index` is called when # processing the geo-data frame below zone_index = "zone" # at this point, unless `zones` was provided as geo series or list-like of # shapely geometries, `zones` must be a geo-data frame if isinstance(zones, gpd.GeoDataFrame): # if there is a non-None `zone_index`, use it if zone_index is not None: # we get the index after calling `set_index` because this will give # us the right index both when `zone_index` is a column name or a # list-like. # note that if zone_index is a list, pandas will try to interpret # its values as column names, so we need to convert it to a numpy # array/pandas series first so that the values are set as index. # we will convert it to a pandas series so that we can set a name. if isinstance(zone_index, list): zone_index = pd.Series(zone_index, name="zone") zone_index = zones.set_index(zone_index).index # we now take just the "geometry" column and treat `zones` as # GeoSeries. zones = zones.geometry else: # take just the "geometry" column, treat `zones` as GeoSeries but # rename the index to "zone" zones = zones.geometry.rename_axis("zone") # at this point, `zones` must be a geo-series or a list-like of shapely # geometries if not isinstance(zones, gpd.GeoSeries): # convert to a geo-series with the CRS of the landscape raster zones = gpd.GeoSeries(zones, else: # `zones` must be a geo-series, reproject into the CRS of the landscape # if needed if != zones = zones.to_crs( if zone_index is not None: # set the geo-series index zones = zones.set_axis(zone_index) # now that we have a processed geo series, store it as an instance attribute self.zone_gser = zones # now perform a masked read of the raster for the zone geometries landscapes = [ Landscape( zone_arr[0], res=src.res, nodata=src.nodata, transform=zone_transform, neighborhood_rule=neighborhood_rule, ) for zone_arr, zone_transform in [ mask.mask(src, [geom], crop=True) for geom in zones ] ] # start: raster-based alternative ------------------------------------------ # rasterize vector features into a labeled array and use it to generate the # zone landscapes # if types.is_list_like(zones): # # if isinstance(zones[0], (geometry.Polygon, geometry.MultiPolygon)): # zones = features.rasterize( # [ # (geom, attribute_val) # for attribute_val, geom in zip( # attribute_values, zones.to_crs( # ) # ], # out_shape=src.shape, # transform=landscape_transform, # fill=src.nodata, # ) # # finally, zones is a labeled array # landscape_arr = # landscapes = [ # Landscape(landscape_arr[loc]) for loc in ndimage.find_objects(zones) # ] # end: raster-based alternative -------------------------------------------- # now call the parent's init # for the parent class (MultiLandscape), set: # * `attribute_name` (by order of preference): (i) the series' index name if # non-None, (ii) the series' name if non-None, or (iii) provide a default # * `attribute_values`: the index of the zones geo-series super().__init__( landscapes, or or "zone", self.zone_gser.index.values, )
[docs] def compute_zonal_statistics_gdf( # noqa: D102 self, *, metrics=None, class_val=None, metrics_kwargs=None, ): if class_val is not None: zonal_metrics_df = self.compute_class_metrics_df( metrics=metrics, classes=[class_val], metrics_kwargs=metrics_kwargs ).loc[class_val] else: zonal_metrics_df = self.compute_landscape_metrics_df( metrics=metrics, metrics_kwargs=metrics_kwargs ) # ensure that we have numeric types (not strings) # metric_ser = pd.to_numeric(metric_ser) # return a geo-data frame zone_name = return gpd.GeoDataFrame( zonal_metrics_df.pivot_table( index=zone_name, columns=zonal_metrics_df.index.names.difference([zone_name]), ), geometry=self.zone_gser, )
compute_zonal_statistics_gdf.__doc__ = _compute_zonal_statistics_gdf_doc.format( col_return="metrics" )
[docs]class BufferAnalysis(ZonalAnalysis): """Buffer analysis around a feature of interest."""
[docs] def __init__( self, landscape_filepath, base_geom, buffer_dists, *, buffer_rings=False, base_geom_crs=None, neighborhood_rule=None, ): """Initialize the buffer analysis. Parameters ---------- landscape_filepath : str, file-like object or pathlib.Path object A string/file-like object/pathlib.Path object with the landscape data. base_geom : shapely geometry, geopandas.GeoSeries or geopandas.GeoDataFrame Geometry that will serve as a base to buffer around. buffer_dists : list-like Buffer distances, in units of the landscape CRS. buffer_rings : bool, default Falsenn If `False`, each buffer zone will consist of the whole region that lies within the respective buffer distance around the base geometry. If `True`, buffer zones will take the form of rings around the base geometry. base_geom_crs : str, dict or pyproj.CRS, optional The coordinate reference system of the base geometry. Required if the base geometry is a shapely geometry or a geopandas GeoSeries without the `crs` attribute set. neighborhood_rule : {'8', '4'}, optional Neighborhood rule to determine patch adjacencies, i.e: '8' (queen's case/Moore neighborhood) or '4' (rook's case/Von Neumann neighborhood). Ignored if `landscape` is a `Landscape` instance. If no value is provided, the default value set in `settings.DEFAULT_NEIGHBORHOOD_RULE` will be taken. """ # 1. get a GeoSeries with the base geometry if isinstance(base_geom, geometry_base.BaseGeometry): if base_geom_crs is None: raise ValueError( "If `base_geom` is a shapely geometry, `base_geom_crs` must be" " provided." ) base_gser = gpd.GeoSeries(base_geom, crs=base_geom_crs) else: # we assume that `base_geom` is a geopandas GeoSeries/GeoDataFrame if isinstance(base_geom, gpd.GeoDataFrame): # in this case, we just select the geometry column and then treat it # like a geo series base_geom = base_geom.geometry if is None: if base_geom_crs is None: raise ValueError( "If `base_geom` is a naive geopandas GeoSeries/GeoDataFrame" " (with no crs set), `base_geom_crs` must be provided." ) base_gser = base_geom.copy() # avoid alias/ref problems = base_geom_crs else: base_gser = base_geom # 3. buffer around base mask avg_longitude = base_gser.to_crs( "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs" ).unary_union.centroid.x # trick from OSMnx to be able to buffer in meters utm_zone = int(np.floor((avg_longitude + 180) / 6.0) + 1) # utm_crs = { # 'datum': 'WGS84', # 'ellps': 'WGS84', # 'proj': 'utm', # 'zone': utm_zone, # 'units': 'm' # } utm_crs = ( f"+proj=utm +zone={utm_zone} +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 " "+units=m +no_defs" ) base_proj_geom = base_gser.to_crs(utm_crs).iloc[0] if buffer_rings: if not isinstance(base_proj_geom, geometry.Point): raise ValueError( "Buffer rings can only work when `base_geom` is a `Point`." ) _buffer_dists = np.concatenate([[0], buffer_dists]) buffer_dists = list( map( lambda d: "{}-{}".format(d[0], d[1]), zip(_buffer_dists[:-1], _buffer_dists[1:]), ) ) zone_gser = gpd.GeoSeries( [ base_proj_geom.buffer(_buffer_dists[i + 1]) - base_proj_geom.buffer(_buffer_dists[i]) for i in range(len(_buffer_dists) - 1) ], index=buffer_dists, crs=utm_crs, ) else: zone_gser = gpd.GeoSeries( [base_proj_geom.buffer(buffer_dist) for buffer_dist in buffer_dists], index=buffer_dists, crs=utm_crs, ) # now we can call the parent's init with the landscape and the constructed # buffer geoseries super().__init__( landscape_filepath, zones=zone_gser.rename_axis("buffer_dist"), # set the index name neighborhood_rule=neighborhood_rule, )
# override docs
[docs] def compute_class_metrics_df( # noqa: D102 self, *, metrics=None, classes=None, metrics_kwargs=None, fillna=None ): return super().compute_class_metrics_df( metrics=metrics, classes=classes, metrics_kwargs=metrics_kwargs, fillna=fillna, )
compute_class_metrics_df.__doc__ = ( multilandscape._compute_class_metrics_df_doc.format( index_descr="multi-indexed by the class and buffer distance", index_return="class, buffer distance (multi-index)", ) )
[docs] def compute_landscape_metrics_df( # noqa: D102 self, *, metrics=None, metrics_kwargs=None ): return super().compute_landscape_metrics_df( metrics=metrics, metrics_kwargs=metrics_kwargs )
compute_landscape_metrics_df.__doc__ = ( multilandscape._compute_landscape_metrics_df_doc.format( index_descr="indexed by the buffer distance", index_return="buffer distance (index)", ) )
[docs]class ZonalGridAnalysis(ZonalAnalysis): """Zonal analysis over a grid.""" @staticmethod def _get_grid_gser( bounds, num_zone_rows, num_zone_cols, zone_width, zone_height, offset ): # get the zone dimensions to generate the grid left, bottom, right, top = bounds total_width = right - left total_height = top - bottom # make sure that we have both the number of zone rows/columns and the zone # width/height if zone_width is None: try: zone_width = np.ceil(total_width / num_zone_cols) except TypeError: # num_zone_cols is also None raise ValueError( "Either `num_zone_cols` or `zone_width` must be provided" ) if zone_height is None: try: zone_height = np.ceil(total_height / num_zone_rows) except TypeError: # num_zone_rows is also None raise ValueError( "Either `num_zone_rows` or `zone_height` must be provided" ) if num_zone_cols is None: num_zone_cols = int(np.ceil(total_width / zone_width)) if num_zone_rows is None: num_zone_rows = int(np.ceil(total_height / zone_height)) # once we have the number of zone rows/columns and the zone width/height, we can # compute the grid if offset == "center": # center the grid on the raster bounds left = left - (num_zone_cols * zone_width - total_width) / 2 top = top + (num_zone_rows * zone_height - total_height) / 2 # generate a grid of size using numpy meshgrid grid_x, grid_y = np.meshgrid( np.arange(num_zone_cols) * zone_width + left, top - np.arange(num_zone_rows) * zone_height, indexing="xy", ) # vectorize the grid as a geo series flat_grid_x = grid_x.flatten() flat_grid_y = grid_y.flatten() zones = pd.DataFrame( { "xmin": flat_grid_x, "ymin": flat_grid_y - zone_height, "xmax": flat_grid_x + zone_width, "ymax": flat_grid_y, } ).apply(lambda row:*row), axis=1) # # identify zones as their (row, col) position # zone_ids = np.array( # [(row, col) # for row in range(num_zone_rows) for col in range(num_zone_cols)] # ) # return grid_gser.set_index(zone_ids) return zones
[docs] def __init__( self, landscape_filepath, *, num_zone_cols=None, num_zone_rows=None, zone_width=None, zone_height=None, offset=None, neighborhood_rule=None, ): """Initialize the zonal grid analysis. Parameters ---------- landscape_filepath : str, file-like object or pathlib.Path object A string/file-like object/pathlib.Path object with the landscape data. num_zone_cols, num_zone_rows : int, optional The number of zone columns/rows into which the landscape will be separated. If the landscape dimensions and the desired zones do not divide evenly, the zones will be defined for the minimum superset that covers the landscape bounds. If not provided, then `num_width`/`num_height` must be provided. zone_width, zone_height : numeric, optional The width/height of each zone (in units of the landscape CRS). If the landscape dimensions and the desired zones do not divide evenly, the zones will be defined for the minimum superset that covers the landscape bounds. If not provided, then `num_width`/`num_height` must be provided. offset : str, optional If set to "center", the and the landscape dimensions and the desired zones do not divide evenly, the grid is offsetted so that the landscape bounds are in the center of the grid. Otherwise, the grid starts at the top-left corner of the landscape. Ignored if the landscape dimensions and the desired zones divide evenly. neighborhood_rule : {'8', '4'}, optional Neighborhood rule to determine patch adjacencies, i.e: '8' (queen's case/Moore neighborhood) or '4' (rook's case/Von Neumann neighborhood). If no value is provided, the default value set in `settings.DEFAULT_NEIGHBORHOOD_RULE` will be taken. """ with as src: zone_gser = gpd.GeoSeries( ZonalGridAnalysis._get_grid_gser( src.bounds, num_zone_rows, num_zone_cols, zone_width, zone_height, offset, ),, ) # filter out zones that do not meet any valid data pixel def has_valid_data(geom): zone_arr, _ = mask.mask(src, [geom], crop=True) return np.any(zone_arr != src.nodata) zone_gser = zone_gser[zone_gser.apply(has_valid_data)] # now we can call the parent's init with the landscape and the constructed grid # geoseries super().__init__( landscape_filepath, zones=zone_gser.rename_axis("grid_cell"), # set the index name neighborhood_rule=neighborhood_rule, )
[docs] def plot_landscapes(self, *, cmap=None, ax=None, figsize=None, **plot_kwargs): """Plot the spatial distribution of the landscape zones. Parameters ---------- cmap : str or `~matplotlib.colors.Colormap`, optional A Colormap instance. ax : axis object, optional Plot in given axis; if None creates a new figure. figsize : tuple of two numeric types, optional Size of the figure to create. Ignored if axis `ax` is provided. **plot_kwargs : optional Keyword arguments to be passed to `geopandas.GeoSeries.plot`. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Returns the `Axes` object with the plot drawn onto it. """ if cmap is None: cmap = plt.rcParams["image.cmap"] if isinstance(cmap, str): cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap) if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) ax.set_aspect("equal") if plot_kwargs is None: plot_kwargs = {} gpd.GeoDataFrame( {"color": np.arange(len(self.zone_gser))}, geometry=self.zone_gser ).plot("color", ax=ax, cmap=cmap, **plot_kwargs) return ax