Source code for pylandstats.spatiotemporal

from functools import reduce

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from .gradient import BufferAnalysis
from .landscape import Landscape
from .multilandscape import MultiLandscape

__all__ = ['SpatioTemporalAnalysis', 'SpatioTemporalBufferAnalysis']

[docs]class SpatioTemporalAnalysis(MultiLandscape):
[docs] def __init__(self, landscapes, metrics=None, classes=None, dates=None, metrics_kws={}): """ Parameters ---------- landscapes : list-like A list-like of `Landscape` objects or of strings/file objects/ pathlib.Path objects so that each is passed as the `landscape` argument of `Landscape.__init__` metrics : list-like, optional A list-like of strings with the names of the metrics that should be computed in the context of this analysis case classes : list-like, optional A list-like of ints or strings with the class values that should be considered in the context of this analysis case dates : list-like, optional A list-like of ints or strings that label the date of each snapshot of `landscapes` (for DataFrame indices and plot labels) metrics_kws : dict, optional Dictionary mapping the keyword arguments (values) that should be passed to each metric method (key), e.g., to exclude the boundary from the computation of `total_edge`, metric_kws should map the string 'total_edge' (method name) to {'count_boundary': False}. The default empty dictionary will compute each metric according to FRAGSTATS defaults. """ if dates is None: dates = ['t{}'.format(i) for i in range(len(landscapes))] # Call the parent's init super(SpatioTemporalAnalysis, self).__init__(landscapes, 'dates', dates, metrics=metrics, classes=classes, metrics_kws=metrics_kws)
@property def class_metrics_df(self): """ Property that computes the data frame of class-level metrics, which is multi-indexed by the class and date. Once computed, the data frame is cached so further calls to the property just access an attribute and therefore run in constant time. """ # override so that we can add an explicit docstring return super(SpatioTemporalAnalysis, self).class_metrics_df @property def landscape_metrics_df(self): """ Property that computes the data frame of landcape-level metrics, which is indexed by the date. Once computed, the data frame is cached so further calls to the property just access an attribute and therefore run in constant time. """ # override so that we can add an explicit docstring return super(SpatioTemporalAnalysis, self).landscape_metrics_df
# def plot_patch_metric(metric): # # TODO: sns distplot? # fig, ax = plt.subplots() # ax.hist()
[docs]class SpatioTemporalBufferAnalysis(SpatioTemporalAnalysis):
[docs] def __init__(self, landscapes, base_mask, buffer_dists, buffer_rings=False, base_mask_crs=None, landscape_crs=None, landscape_transform=None, metrics=None, classes=None, dates=None, metrics_kws={}): """ Parameters ---------- landscapes : list-like A list-like of `Landscape` objects or of strings/file objects/ pathlib.Path objects so that each is passed as the `landscape` argument of `Landscape.__init__` base_mask : shapely geometry or geopandas GeoSeries Geometry that will serve as a base mask to buffer around buffer_rings : bool, default False If `False`, each buffer zone will consist of the whole region that lies within the respective buffer distance around the base mask. If `True`, buffer zones will take the form of rings around the base mask. base_mask_crs : dict, optional The coordinate reference system of the base mask. Required if the base mask is a shapely geometry or a geopandas GeoSeries without the `crs` attribute set landscape_crs : dict, optional The coordinate reference system of the landscapes. Required if the passed-in landscapes are `Landscape` objects, ignored if they are paths to GeoTiff rasters that already contain such information. landscape_transform : affine.Affine Transformation from pixel coordinates to coordinate reference system. Required if the passed-in landscapes are `Landscape` objects, ignored if they are paths to GeoTiff rasters that already contain such information. metrics : list-like, optional A list-like of strings with the names of the metrics that should be computed in the context of this analysis case classes : list-like, optional A list-like of ints or strings with the class values that should be considered in the context of this analysis case dates : list-like, optional A list-like of ints or strings that label the date of each snapshot of `landscapes` (for DataFrame indices and plot labels) metrics_kws : dict, optional Dictionary mapping the keyword arguments (values) that should be passed to each metric method (key), e.g., to exclude the boundary from the computation of `total_edge`, metric_kws should map the string 'total_edge' (method name) to {'count_boundary': False}. The default empty dictionary will compute each metric according to FRAGSTATS defaults. """ super(SpatioTemporalBufferAnalysis, self).__init__(landscapes, metrics=metrics, classes=classes, dates=dates, metrics_kws=metrics_kws) ba = BufferAnalysis( landscapes[0], base_mask=base_mask, buffer_dists=buffer_dists, buffer_rings=buffer_rings, base_mask_crs=base_mask_crs, landscape_crs=landscape_crs, landscape_transform=landscape_transform, metrics=metrics, classes=classes, metrics_kws=metrics_kws) # while `BufferAnalysis.__init__` will set the `buffer_dists` # attribute to the instantiated object (stored in the variable `ba`), # it will not set it to the current `SpatioTemporalBufferAnalysis`, # so we need to do it here self.buffer_dists = ba.buffer_dists # init the `SpatioTemporalAnalysis` objects self.stas = [] for buffer_dist, mask_arr in zip(ba.buffer_dists, ba.masks_arr): self.stas.append( SpatioTemporalAnalysis([ Landscape( np.where(mask_arr, landscape.landscape_arr, landscape.nodata).astype( landscape.landscape_arr.dtype), res=(landscape.cell_width, landscape.cell_height), nodata=landscape.nodata, transform=landscape.transform) for landscape in self.landscapes ], metrics=metrics, classes=classes, dates=dates, metrics_kws=metrics_kws)) # the `self.classes` attribute will have been set by this instance # father's init (namely the `super` in the first line of this method), # however some of the classes may not actually be found in any of # buffer zones. We therefore need to get the union of the classes # found at the spatio-temporal analysis instance of each `buffer_dist` self.classes = reduce(np.union1d, tuple(sta.classes for sta in self.stas)) # the dates will be the same for all the `SpatioTemporalAnalysis` # instances stored in `self.stas`. We will just take them from the # first instance and store them as attribute of this # `SpatioTemporalBufferAnalysis` so that it can be used more # conveniently below. # ACHTUNG: we do it AFTER instantiating the `SpatioTemporalAnalysis` # objects of `self.stats` so that we let the `__init__` method of # `SpatioTemporalAnalysis.__init__` deal with the logic of what to do # with the `dates` argument self.dates = self.stas[0].dates
@property def class_metrics_df(self): """ Property that computes the data frame of class-level metrics, which is multi-indexed by the buffer distance, class and date. Once computed, the data frame is cached so further calls to the property just access an attribute and therefore run in constant time. """ try: return self._class_metrics_df except AttributeError: # IMPORTANT: since some classes might not be present for each date # and/or buffer distance, we will init the MultiIndex manually to # ensure that every class is present in the resulting data frame. # If some class does not appear for some some date/buffer distance, # the corresponding row will be nan. This probably preferable than # having a MultiIndex that can have different levels (i.e., the # second level `class_val`) for each buffer distance. # Note that this approach is likely slower since for each of # the `buffer_dists`, we have to iterate as in (see below): # `for class_val, date inclass_metrics_df.loc[buffer_dist].index` class_metrics_df = pd.DataFrame( index=pd.MultiIndex.from_product( [self.buffer_dists, self.classes, self.dates]), columns=self.class_metrics) class_metrics_df.index.names = 'buffer_dist', 'class_val', 'dates' = 'metric' for buffer_dist, sta in zip(self.buffer_dists, self.stas): # get the class metrics data frame for the # `SpatioTemporalAnalysis` instance that corresponds to this # `buffer_dist` df = sta.class_metrics_df # put the metrics data frame of the `SpatioTemporalAnalysis` # of this `buffer_dist` into the global metrics data frame of # the `SpatioTemporalBufferAnalysis` for class_val, date in class_metrics_df.loc[buffer_dist].index: # use `class_metrics_df.loc` for the first level (i.e., # `buffer_dist`) again (we have already used it in the # iterator above) to avoid `SettingWithCopyWarning` try: class_metrics_df.loc[buffer_dist, class_val, date] = df.loc[class_val, date] except KeyError: # this means that `class_val` is not in `df`, # therefore we do nothing and the corresponding row of # `class_metrics_df` will stay as nan pass # # ALTERNATIVE (POTENTIALLY FASTER) APPROACH # # we will create a dict where each key is a `buffer_dist`, and # # its value is the corresponding metrics data frame of the # # `SpatioTemporalAnalysis` instance # df_dict = { # buffer_dist: sta.class_metrics_df # for buffer_dist, sta in zip(self.buffer_dists, self.stas) # } # # we concatenate each value of the dict dataframe using its # # respective `buffer_dist` key to create an extra index level # # (i.e., using the `keys` argument of `pd.concat`) # class_metrics_df = pd.concat( # df_dict.values(), keys=df_dict.keys()) # # now we set the name of each index and column level # class_metrics_df.index.names = \ # 'buffer_dist', 'class_val', 'dates' # = 'metric' self._class_metrics_df = class_metrics_df return self._class_metrics_df @property def landscape_metrics_df(self): """ Property that computes the data frame of landcape-level metrics, which is multi-indexed by the buffer distance and date. Once computed, the data frame is cached so further calls to the property just access an attribute and therefore run in constant time. """ try: return self._landscape_metrics_df except AttributeError: # PREVIOUS APPROACH # landscape_metrics_df = pd.DataFrame( # index=pd.MultiIndex.from_product( # [self.buffer_dists, self.dates]), # columns=self.landscape_metrics) # = 'buffer_dist', 'dates' # = 'metric' # for buffer_dist, sta in zip(self.buffer_dists, self.stas): # # TODO: find out why the `.loc` below does not allocate the # # values correctly when we remove the `.values` suffix of the # # right-hand side (although the resulting dataframes on both # # sides are perfectly aligned) # landscape_metrics_df.loc[ # buffer_dist] = sta.landscape_metrics_df.values # NEW APPROACH # we will create a dict where each key is a `buffer_dist`, and its # value is the corresponding metrics data frame of the # `SpatioTemporalAnalysis` instance df_dict = { buffer_dist: sta.landscape_metrics_df for buffer_dist, sta in zip(self.buffer_dists, self.stas) } # we concatenate each value of the dict dataframe using its # respective `buffer_dist` key to create an extra index level # (i.e., using the `keys` argument of `pd.concat`) landscape_metrics_df = pd.concat(df_dict.values(), keys=df_dict.keys()) # now we set the name of each index and column level landscape_metrics_df.index.names = 'buffer_dist', 'dates' = 'metric' self._landscape_metrics_df = landscape_metrics_df return self._landscape_metrics_df
[docs] def plot_metric(self, metric, class_val=None, ax=None, metric_legend=True, metric_label=None, buffer_dist_legend=True, fmt='--o', plot_kws={}, subplots_kws={}): """ Parameters ---------- metric : str A string indicating the name of the metric to plot class_val : int, optional If provided, the metric will be plotted at the level of the corresponding class, otherwise it will be plotted at the landscape level ax : axis object, optional Plot in given axis; if None creates a new figure metric_legend : bool, default True Whether the metric label should be displayed within the plot (as label of the y-axis) metric_label : str, optional Label of the y-axis to be displayed if `metric_legend` is `True`. If the provided value is `None`, the label will be taken from the `settings` module buffer_dist_legend : bool, default True Whether a legend linking each plotted line to a buffer distance should be displayed within the plot fmt : str, default '--o' A format string for `plt.plot` plot_kws : dict Keyword arguments to be passed to `plt.plot` subplots_kws : dict Keyword arguments to be passed to `plt.subplots`, only if no axis is given (through the `ax` argument) Returns ------- ax : axis object Returns the Axes object with the plot drawn onto it """ # TODO: refactor this method so that it uses `class_metrics_df` and # `landscape_metrics_df` properties? if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(**subplots_kws) if 'label' not in plot_kws: # avoid alias/refrence issues _plot_kws = plot_kws.copy() for buffer_dist, sta in zip(self.buffer_dists, self.stas): _plot_kws['label'] = buffer_dist ax = sta.plot_metric(metric, class_val=class_val, ax=ax, metric_legend=metric_legend, metric_label=metric_label, fmt=fmt, plot_kws=_plot_kws) else: for sta in self.stas: ax = sta.plot_metric(metric, class_val=class_val, ax=ax, metric_legend=metric_legend, metric_label=metric_label, fmt=fmt, plot_kws=plot_kws) if buffer_dist_legend: ax.legend() return ax
[docs] def plot_landscapes(self, cmap=None, legend=True, subplots_kws={}, show_kws={}, subplots_adjust_kws={}): """ Plots each landscape snapshot in a dedicated matplotlib axis by means of the `Landscape.plot_landscape` method of each instance Parameters ------- cmap : str or `~matplotlib.colors.Colormap`, optional A Colormap instance legend : bool, optional If ``True``, display the legend of the land use/cover color codes subplots_kws: dict, optional Keyword arguments to be passed to `plt.subplots` show_kws : dict, optional Keyword arguments to be passed to `` subplots_adjust_kws: dict, optional Keyword arguments to be passed to `plt.subplots_adjust` Returns ------- fig : `matplotlib.figure.Figure` The figure with its corresponding plots drawn into its axes """ # the number of rows is the number of dates, which will be the same # for all the `SpatioTemporalAnalysis` instances of `self.stas` dates = self.stas[0].dates # avoid alias/refrence issues _subplots_kws = subplots_kws.copy() figsize = _subplots_kws.pop('figsize', None) if figsize is None: figwidth, figheight = plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] figsize = (figwidth * len(self.buffer_dists), figheight * len(dates)) fig, axes = plt.subplots(len(self.buffer_dists), len(dates), figsize=figsize, **_subplots_kws) flat_axes = axes.flat for buffer_dist, sta in zip(self.buffer_dists, self.stas): for date, landscape in zip(sta.dates, sta.landscapes): ax = landscape.plot_landscape(cmap=cmap, ax=next(flat_axes), legend=legend, **show_kws) # labels in first row and column only for date, ax in zip(dates, axes[0]): ax.set_title(date) for buffer_dist, ax in zip(self.buffer_dists, axes[:, 0]): ax.set_ylabel(buffer_dist) # adjust spacing between axes if subplots_adjust_kws: fig.subplots_adjust(**subplots_adjust_kws) return fig