Source code for pylandstats.zonal

import numpy as np
import rasterio
from rasterio import features

from . import landscape as pls_landscape
from . import multilandscape

    import geopandas as gpd
    from shapely.geometry import Point
    from shapely.geometry.base import BaseGeometry
    geo_imports = True
except ImportError:
    geo_imports = False

__all__ = ['ZonalAnalysis', 'BufferAnalysis']

[docs]class ZonalAnalysis(multilandscape.MultiLandscape):
[docs] def __init__(self, landscape, masks_arr, attribute_name=None, attribute_values=None, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- landscapes : list-like A list-like of `Landscape` objects or of strings/file objects/ pathlib.Path objects so that each is passed as the `landscape` argument of `Landscape.__init__` masks_arr : list-like or np.ndarray A list-like of numpy arrays of shape (width, height), i.e., of the same shape as the landscape raster image. Each array will serve to mask the base landscape and define a region of study for which the metrics will be computed separately. The same information can also be provided as a single array of shape (num_masks, width, height). attribute_name : str, optional Name of the attribute that will distinguish each landscape attribute_values : str, optional Values of the attribute that correspond to each of the landscapes """ if not isinstance(landscape, pls_landscape.Landscape): landscape = pls_landscape.Landscape(landscape) landscapes = [ pls_landscape.Landscape( np.where(mask_arr, landscape.landscape_arr, landscape.nodata).astype( landscape.landscape_arr.dtype), res=(landscape.cell_width, landscape.cell_height), nodata=landscape.nodata, transform=landscape.transform) for mask_arr in masks_arr ] # TODO: is it useful to store `masks_arr` as instance attribute? self.masks_arr = masks_arr # The attribute name will be `buffer_dists` for `BufferAnalysis` or # `transect_dist` for `TransectAnalysis`, but for any other custom use # of `ZonalAnalysis`, the user might provide (or not) a custom name if attribute_name is None: attribute_name = 'attribute_values' # If the values for the distinguishing attribute are not provided, a # basic enumeration will be automatically generated if attribute_values is None: attribute_values = [i for i in range(len(masks_arr))] # now call the parent's init super(ZonalAnalysis, self).__init__(landscapes, attribute_name, attribute_values, **kwargs)
[docs]class BufferAnalysis(ZonalAnalysis):
[docs] def __init__(self, landscape, base_mask, buffer_dists, buffer_rings=False, base_mask_crs=None, landscape_crs=None, landscape_transform=None): """ Parameters ---------- landscapes : list-like A list-like of `Landscape` objects or of strings/file objects/ pathlib.Path objects so that each is passed as the `landscape` argument of `Landscape.__init__` base_mask : shapely geometry or geopandas GeoSeries Geometry that will serve as a base mask to buffer around buffer_dists : list-like Buffer distances buffer_rings : bool, default False If `False`, each buffer zone will consist of the whole region that lies within the respective buffer distance around the base mask. If `True`, buffer zones will take the form of rings around the base mask. base_mask_crs : dict, optional The coordinate reference system of the base mask. Required if the base mask is a shapely geometry or a geopandas GeoSeries without the `crs` attribute set landscape_crs : dict, optional The coordinate reference system of the landscapes. Required if the passed-in landscapes are `Landscape` objects, ignored if they are paths to GeoTiff rasters that already contain such information. landscape_transform : affine.Affine Transformation from pixel coordinates to coordinate reference system. Required if the passed-in landscapes are `Landscape` objects, ignored if they are paths to GeoTiff rasters that already contain such information. """ # first check that we meet the package dependencies if not geo_imports: raise ImportError( "The `BufferAnalysis` class requires the geopandas package. " "For better performance, we strongly suggest that you install " "its cythonized version via conda-forge as in:\nconda install " "-c conda-forge/label/dev geopandas\n See " " for more information " "about installing geopandas") # get `buffer_masks_arr` from a base geometry and a list of buffer # distances # 1. get a GeoSeries with the base mask geometry if isinstance(base_mask, BaseGeometry): if base_mask_crs is None: raise ValueError( "If `base_mask` is a shapely geometry, `base_mask_crs` " "must be provided") # BufferSpatioTemporalAnalysis.get_buffer_masks_gser( base_mask_gser = gpd.GeoSeries(base_mask, crs=base_mask_crs) else: # we assume that `base_mask` is a geopandas GeoSeries if is None: if base_mask_crs is None: raise ValueError( "If `base_mask` is a naive geopandas GeoSeries (with " "no crs set), `base_mask_crs` must be provided") base_mask_gser = base_mask.copy() # avoid alias/ref problems = base_mask_crs else: base_mask_gser = base_mask # 2. get the crs, transform and shape of the landscapes if isinstance(landscape, pls_landscape.Landscape): if landscape_crs is None: raise ValueError( "If passing `Landscape` objects (instead of geotiff " "filepaths), `landscape_crs` must be provided") if landscape_transform is None: raise ValueError( "If passing `Landscape` objects (instead of geotiff " "filepaths), `landscape_transform` must be provided") landscape_shape = landscape.landscape_arr.shape else: with as src: landscape_crs = landscape_transform = src.transform landscape_shape = src.height, src.width # 3. buffer around base mask avg_longitude = base_mask_gser.to_crs( '+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs' ).unary_union.centroid.x # trick from OSMnx to be able to buffer in meters utm_zone = int(np.floor((avg_longitude + 180) / 6.) + 1) utm_crs = { 'datum': 'WGS84', 'ellps': 'WGS84', 'proj': 'utm', 'zone': utm_zone, 'units': 'm' } base_mask_geom = base_mask_gser.to_crs(utm_crs).iloc[0] if buffer_rings: if not isinstance(base_mask_geom, Point): raise ValueError( "Buffer rings can only work when `base_mask_geom` is a " "`Point`") _buffer_dists = np.concatenate([[0], buffer_dists]) buffer_dists = list( map(lambda d: '{}-{}'.format(d[0], d[1]), zip(_buffer_dists[:-1], _buffer_dists[1:]))) masks_gser = gpd.GeoSeries([ base_mask_geom.buffer(_buffer_dists[i + 1]) - base_mask_geom.buffer(_buffer_dists[i]) for i in range(len(_buffer_dists) - 1) ], index=buffer_dists, crs=utm_crs).to_crs(landscape_crs) else: masks_gser = gpd.GeoSeries([ base_mask_geom.buffer(buffer_dist) for buffer_dist in buffer_dists ], index=buffer_dists, crs=utm_crs).to_crs(landscape_crs) # 4. rasterize each mask num_rows, num_cols = landscape_shape buffer_masks_arr = np.zeros((len(buffer_dists), num_rows, num_cols), dtype=np.uint8) for i in range(len(masks_gser)): buffer_masks_arr[i] = features.rasterize( [masks_gser.iloc[i]], out_shape=landscape_shape, transform=landscape_transform, dtype=np.uint8) buffer_masks_arr = buffer_masks_arr.astype(bool) # now we can call the parent's init with the landscape and the # constructed buffer_masks_arr super(BufferAnalysis, self).__init__(landscape, buffer_masks_arr, 'buffer_dists', buffer_dists)
# override docs
[docs] def compute_class_metrics_df(self, metrics=None, classes=None, metrics_kws=None): return super(BufferAnalysis, self).compute_class_metrics_df(metrics=metrics, classes=classes, metrics_kws=metrics_kws)
compute_class_metrics_df.__doc__ = \ multilandscape._compute_class_metrics_df_doc.format( index_descr='multi-indexed by the class and buffer distance', index_return='class, buffer distance (multi-index)')
[docs] def compute_landscape_metrics_df(self, metrics=None, metrics_kws=None): return super(BufferAnalysis, self).compute_landscape_metrics_df( metrics=metrics, metrics_kws=metrics_kws)
compute_landscape_metrics_df.__doc__ = \ multilandscape._compute_landscape_metrics_df_doc.format( index_descr='indexed by the buffer distance', index_return='buffer distance (index)')