Source code for pylandstats.spatiotemporal

from functools import reduce

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from . import landscape as pls_landscape
from . import multilandscape, zonal

__all__ = ['SpatioTemporalAnalysis', 'SpatioTemporalBufferAnalysis']

[docs]class SpatioTemporalAnalysis(multilandscape.MultiLandscape):
[docs] def __init__(self, landscapes, dates=None): """ Parameters ---------- landscapes : list-like A list-like of `Landscape` objects or of strings/file objects/ pathlib.Path objects so that each is passed as the `landscape` argument of `Landscape.__init__` dates : list-like, optional A list-like of ints or strings that label the date of each snapshot of `landscapes` (for DataFrame indices and plot labels) """ if dates is None: dates = ['t{}'.format(i) for i in range(len(landscapes))] # Call the parent's init super(SpatioTemporalAnalysis, self).__init__(landscapes, 'dates', dates)
# override docs
[docs] def compute_class_metrics_df(self, metrics=None, classes=None, metrics_kws=None): return super(SpatioTemporalAnalysis, self).compute_class_metrics_df(metrics=metrics, classes=classes, metrics_kws=metrics_kws)
compute_class_metrics_df.__doc__ = \ multilandscape._compute_class_metrics_df_doc.format( index_descr='multi-indexed by the class and date', index_return='class, date (multi-index)')
[docs] def compute_landscape_metrics_df(self, metrics=None, metrics_kws=None): return super(SpatioTemporalAnalysis, self).compute_landscape_metrics_df( metrics=metrics, metrics_kws=metrics_kws)
compute_landscape_metrics_df.__doc__ = \ multilandscape._compute_landscape_metrics_df_doc.format( index_descr='indexed by the date', index_return='date (index)')
# def plot_patch_metric(metric): # # TODO: sns distplot? # fig, ax = plt.subplots() # ax.hist()
[docs]class SpatioTemporalBufferAnalysis(SpatioTemporalAnalysis):
[docs] def __init__(self, landscapes, base_mask, buffer_dists, buffer_rings=False, base_mask_crs=None, landscape_crs=None, landscape_transform=None, dates=None): """ Parameters ---------- landscapes : list-like A list-like of `Landscape` objects or of strings/file objects/ pathlib.Path objects so that each is passed as the `landscape` argument of `Landscape.__init__` base_mask : shapely geometry or geopandas GeoSeries Geometry that will serve as a base mask to buffer around buffer_rings : bool, default False If `False`, each buffer zone will consist of the whole region that lies within the respective buffer distance around the base mask. If `True`, buffer zones will take the form of rings around the base mask. base_mask_crs : dict, optional The coordinate reference system of the base mask. Required if the base mask is a shapely geometry or a geopandas GeoSeries without the `crs` attribute set landscape_crs : dict, optional The coordinate reference system of the landscapes. Required if the passed-in landscapes are `Landscape` objects, ignored if they are paths to GeoTiff rasters that already contain such information. landscape_transform : affine.Affine Transformation from pixel coordinates to coordinate reference system. Required if the passed-in landscapes are `Landscape` objects, ignored if they are paths to GeoTiff rasters that already contain such information. dates : list-like, optional A list-like of ints or strings that label the date of each snapshot of `landscapes` (for DataFrame indices and plot labels) """ super(SpatioTemporalBufferAnalysis, self).__init__(landscapes, dates=dates) ba = zonal.BufferAnalysis(landscapes[0], base_mask=base_mask, buffer_dists=buffer_dists, buffer_rings=buffer_rings, base_mask_crs=base_mask_crs, landscape_crs=landscape_crs, landscape_transform=landscape_transform) # while `BufferAnalysis.__init__` will set the `buffer_dists` # attribute to the instantiated object (stored in the variable `ba`), # it will not set it to the current `SpatioTemporalBufferAnalysis`, # so we need to do it here self.buffer_dists = ba.buffer_dists # init the `SpatioTemporalAnalysis` objects self.stas = [] for buffer_dist, mask_arr in zip(ba.buffer_dists, ba.masks_arr): self.stas.append( SpatioTemporalAnalysis([ pls_landscape.Landscape( np.where(mask_arr, landscape.landscape_arr, landscape.nodata).astype( landscape.landscape_arr.dtype), res=(landscape.cell_width, landscape.cell_height), nodata=landscape.nodata, transform=landscape.transform) for landscape in self.landscapes ], dates=dates)) # the `self.present_classes` attribute will have been set by this # instance father's init (namely the `super` in the first line of this # method), however some of the classes may not actually be found in # any of buffer zones. We therefore need to get the union of the # classes found at the spatio-temporal analysis instance of each # `buffer_dist` self.present_classes = reduce( np.union1d, tuple(sta.present_classes for sta in self.stas)) # the dates will be the same for all the `SpatioTemporalAnalysis` # instances stored in `self.stas`. We will just take them from the # first instance and store them as attribute of this # `SpatioTemporalBufferAnalysis` so that it can be used more # conveniently below. # ACHTUNG: we do it AFTER instantiating the `SpatioTemporalAnalysis` # objects of `self.stats` so that we let the `__init__` method of # `SpatioTemporalAnalysis.__init__` deal with the logic of what to do # with the `dates` argument self.dates = self.stas[0].dates
[docs] def compute_class_metrics_df(self, metrics=None, classes=None, metrics_kws=None): if classes is None: classes = self.present_classes # get the columns to init the data frame if metrics is None: columns = pls_landscape.Landscape.CLASS_METRICS else: columns = metrics # IMPORTANT: since some classes might not be present for each date # and/or buffer distance, we will init the MultiIndex manually to # ensure that every class is present in the resulting data frame. If # some class does not appear for some some date/buffer distance, the # corresponding row will be nan. This probably preferable than having # a MultiIndex that can have different levels (i.e., the second level # `class_val`) for each buffer distance. # Note that this approach is likely slower since for each of the # `buffer_dists`, we have to iterate as in (see below): # `for class_val, date in class_metrics_df.loc[buffer_dist].index` class_metrics_df = pd.DataFrame( index=pd.MultiIndex.from_product( [self.buffer_dists, classes, self.dates]), columns=columns) class_metrics_df.index.names = 'buffer_dist', 'class_val', 'dates' = 'metric' for buffer_dist, sta in zip(self.buffer_dists, self.stas): # get the class metrics data frame for the # `SpatioTemporalAnalysis` instance that corresponds to this # `buffer_dist` df = sta.compute_class_metrics_df(metrics=metrics, classes=classes, metrics_kws=metrics_kws) # put the metrics data frame of the `SpatioTemporalAnalysis` # of this `buffer_dist` into the global metrics data frame of # the `SpatioTemporalBufferAnalysis` for class_val, date in class_metrics_df.loc[buffer_dist].index: # use `class_metrics_df.loc` for the first level (i.e., # `buffer_dist`) again (we have already used it in the # iterator above) to avoid `SettingWithCopyWarning` try: class_metrics_df.loc[buffer_dist, class_val, date] = df.loc[class_val, date] except KeyError: # this means that `class_val` is not in `df`, # therefore we do nothing and the corresponding row of # `class_metrics_df` will stay as nan pass return class_metrics_df
compute_class_metrics_df.__doc__ = \ multilandscape._compute_class_metrics_df_doc.format( index_descr='multi-indexed by the buffer distance, class and date', index_return='buffer distance, class, distance (multi-index)')
[docs] def compute_landscape_metrics_df(self, metrics=None, metrics_kws=None): # we will create a dict where each key is a `buffer_dist`, and its # value is the corresponding metrics data frame of the # `SpatioTemporalAnalysis` instance df_dict = { buffer_dist: sta.compute_landscape_metrics_df(metrics=metrics, metrics_kws=metrics_kws) for buffer_dist, sta in zip(self.buffer_dists, self.stas) } # we concatenate each value of the dict dataframe using its respective # `buffer_dist` key to create an extra index level (i.e., using the # `keys` argument of `pd.concat`) landscape_metrics_df = pd.concat(df_dict.values(), keys=df_dict.keys()) # now we set the name of each index and column level landscape_metrics_df.index.names = 'buffer_dist', 'dates' = 'metric' self._landscape_metrics_df = landscape_metrics_df return self._landscape_metrics_df
compute_landscape_metrics_df.__doc__ = \ multilandscape._compute_landscape_metrics_df_doc.format( index_descr='multi-indexed by the buffer distance and date', index_return='buffer distance, date (multi-index)')
[docs] def plot_metric(self, metric, class_val=None, ax=None, metric_legend=True, metric_label=None, buffer_dist_legend=True, fmt='--o', plot_kws=None, subplots_kws=None): """ Parameters ---------- metric : str A string indicating the name of the metric to plot class_val : int, optional If provided, the metric will be plotted at the level of the corresponding class, otherwise it will be plotted at the landscape level ax : axis object, optional Plot in given axis; if None creates a new figure metric_legend : bool, default True Whether the metric label should be displayed within the plot (as label of the y-axis) metric_label : str, optional Label of the y-axis to be displayed if `metric_legend` is `True`. If the provided value is `None`, the label will be taken from the `settings` module buffer_dist_legend : bool, default True Whether a legend linking each plotted line to a buffer distance should be displayed within the plot fmt : str, default '--o' A format string for `plt.plot` plot_kws : dict, default None Keyword arguments to be passed to `plt.plot` subplots_kws : dict, default None Keyword arguments to be passed to `plt.subplots`, only if no axis is given (through the `ax` argument) Returns ------- ax : axis object Returns the Axes object with the plot drawn onto it """ # TODO: refactor this method so that it uses `class_metrics_df` and # `landscape_metrics_df` properties? if ax is None: if subplots_kws is None: subplots_kws = {} fig, ax = plt.subplots(**subplots_kws) if plot_kws is None: plot_kws = {} if 'label' not in plot_kws: # avoid alias/refrence issues _plot_kws = plot_kws.copy() for buffer_dist, sta in zip(self.buffer_dists, self.stas): _plot_kws['label'] = buffer_dist ax = sta.plot_metric(metric, class_val=class_val, ax=ax, metric_legend=metric_legend, metric_label=metric_label, fmt=fmt, plot_kws=_plot_kws) else: for sta in self.stas: ax = sta.plot_metric(metric, class_val=class_val, ax=ax, metric_legend=metric_legend, metric_label=metric_label, fmt=fmt, plot_kws=plot_kws) if buffer_dist_legend: ax.legend() return ax
[docs] def plot_landscapes(self, cmap=None, legend=True, subplots_kws=None, show_kws=None, subplots_adjust_kws=None): """ Plots each landscape snapshot in a dedicated matplotlib axis by means of the `Landscape.plot_landscape` method of each instance Parameters ------- cmap : str or `~matplotlib.colors.Colormap`, optional A Colormap instance legend : bool, optional If ``True``, display the legend of the land use/cover color codes subplots_kws: dict, default None Keyword arguments to be passed to `plt.subplots` show_kws : dict, default None Keyword arguments to be passed to `` subplots_adjust_kws: dict, default None Keyword arguments to be passed to `plt.subplots_adjust` Returns ------- fig : `matplotlib.figure.Figure` The figure with its corresponding plots drawn into its axes """ # the number of rows is the number of dates, which will be the same # for all the `SpatioTemporalAnalysis` instances of `self.stas` dates = self.stas[0].dates # avoid alias/refrence issues if subplots_kws is None: _subplots_kws = {} else: _subplots_kws = subplots_kws.copy() figsize = _subplots_kws.pop('figsize', None) if figsize is None: figwidth, figheight = plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] figsize = (figwidth * len(self.buffer_dists), figheight * len(dates)) fig, axes = plt.subplots(len(self.buffer_dists), len(dates), figsize=figsize, **_subplots_kws) if show_kws is None: show_kws = {} flat_axes = axes.flat for buffer_dist, sta in zip(self.buffer_dists, self.stas): for date, landscape in zip(sta.dates, sta.landscapes): ax = landscape.plot_landscape(cmap=cmap, ax=next(flat_axes), legend=legend, **show_kws) # labels in first row and column only for date, ax in zip(dates, axes[0]): ax.set_title(date) for buffer_dist, ax in zip(self.buffer_dists, axes[:, 0]): ax.set_ylabel(buffer_dist) # adjust spacing between axes if subplots_adjust_kws is not None: fig.subplots_adjust(**subplots_adjust_kws) return fig